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"Great stories happen to those who can tell them." - Ira Glas
Storytelling is foundational to human existence. Go back thousands of years and you'll see stories being crafted, shared, and retold for generations. Stories give meaning to the world around us. They are how we communicate ideas and themes within life. White Deer Films is ready to dive into your story and help you tell it.
Knowing where to start in the storytelling process is key. With the right interviews and proper shots out in the field, we can weave together an edit that captivates the viewer. Raw, emotional clips immerses the audience in the experience while keeping them informed on the reality of the situation.
Deserting Refuge
In 2016, thousands of refugees fled from Syria, Iraq and Iran to camps scattered around France while seeking asylum. In their search for safety, many of the refugees were met with scrutiny, judgement, and unwelcoming hands. This is a story of normal, everyday people looking for a place to call home.
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